
Textiles, Identity, and Innovation: Marjomotex is Designing the Future

Textiles, Identity, and Innovation: Marjomotex is Designing the Future
Denim White Label

We’re operating at full power

Unfortunately, the coronavirus is having a devastating impact on the market in general, from small shops to big multinational companies. Of course, the fashion market is also involved in this really bad situation. Before the problem was bounded in China. Since the end of February, Italy is heavily involved. Here in Portugal, and particularly our brand Marjomotex is fully operating since April. We’re glad that most of the companies stick with us to continues producing their clothing.

A clothing manufacturer in Portugal

We already organized and implemented all procedures necessary to safeguard the health of our workers and, at the same time, guarantee the respect of planned deliveries: we shared with all our clients these new guidelines and reassured them that we will be able to meet their industrial and production plans, and deliveries.

For the market, trade shows, presentations, and shopping, for now, will go on digitally. Digitization, which has a wide place in our lives in recent years, is gaining serious importance today. We are using technology-based solutions such as video and teleconferencing to mitigate the effects of this pandemic. You can count on us!

Over the years, the company has developed solid know-how, specializing in the production of denim trousers, which then extended to other fabrics and, other garments.

Coronavirus is seriously hurting the Asian local brands and also moving a lot of production from China to Portugal. We’ve been contacted by brands who started work with us due to the Corona Virus situation.

We’re proud of our perfection sewed by skilled hands.

Reach to Us

So, if you have a brand, an idea, Marjomotex can provide various services on your behalf to the client. Feel free to contact us anytime! We try to transform our clients’ projects into the best products in the market, taking care of every single step within the product development.


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